Saturday, Oct 2 – Mini Fall Virtual Retreat
Registration is limited to 100 participants (30 for RWAC, 30 for ORWA, 30 for everyone else, 10 for presenters and wiggle room) Saturday, Oct 2 – Mini Fall Virtual Retreat 1030 AM -12:00 PM – Using Character Emotion to Wow Readers: Becca Pugilsi, co-author, The Emotion Thesaurus 12:00-1:00 Lunch break (we’ll leave the meeting live…
Sept 12, 2021 Workshop: Kobo’s Latest Innovations with Tara Cremin
Learn how Kobo is making it easy for authors to reach readers. This year Kobo has been busy reaching new readers through innovative new eInk devices and the expansion of Kobo’s subscription service Kobo Plus, into strategic new markets. Learn how Kobo is making it easy for authors to reach these readers by offering non-exclusive…
May 2, 2021 Workshop – Book Brush with Kathleen Sweeney
A look at some tools to help writers market their work. There’s lots of advice out there on how to be a successful author: write a great book, know your audience, appeal to your audience with compelling ads, spend lots of money on ads, don’t spend lots of money on ads, market on social media,…
March 7, 2021 Workshop – Writing a Strong Second Draft of Your Novel
Learn practical tips and techniques for evaluating the first draft of your fiction manuscript Writing a Strong Second Draft of Your Novel In this seminar, Maggie Morris, The Indie Editor, who will share practical tips and techniques for evaluating the first draft of your fiction manuscript from both a stylistic and substantive perspective so you…
February 2021 Workshop – Giving a Good Critique
Learn how to provide useful critiques without tipping into either bland applause or painful discouragement Everyone wants a good critique for their manuscripts, but it can be overwhelming to try and provide useful information without tipping into either bland applause or painful discouragement. This workshop will include suggestions on: developing an initial framework for what…