Character Development Q&A, June 4th 2023
Learn how to make your characters come to life with Sharon Short (aka Jess Montgomery)
Creating believable characters is the engine that drives stories, novels, essays and memoirs. It’s also one of the most challenging writing craft tools to master. In this session, award-winning author Sharon Short (a.k.a. Jess Montgomery) and Writer’s Digest columnist and instructor will share three key techniques to help you as you begin–or revise–your writing project.
About Sharon:
I write novels, personal essays, and the occasional short story. I am also a regular contributor to Writers’ Digest magazine with my “Level Up Your Writing (Life)” column debuting in the March/April issue of 2021.
As Jess Montgomery, I write historical mysteries published by Minotaur Books. The Kinship Historical Mystery series is set in 1920s Appalachia and is inspired by Ohio’s true first female sheriff.
As Sharon Short, my book-length work ranges from a coming-of-age novel set in the 1950s (My One Square Inch of Alaska) as well as two mystery series: the comedic-with-a-twist-of-social-satire Josie Toadfern mysteries, and the electronic-gumshoe Patricia Delaney series, written in the early 1990s on the cusp of the digital age.